Teacher Nicole Bayer

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Nicole Bayer

Nicole is a 200 and 300 hour yoga certified instructor. She has a degree in therapeutic recreation, considerable chiropractic training, and is a massage therapist. She considers herself to be a lifelong learner and uses her vast experience, maturity, and life lessons to help her students become the greatest versions of themselves, both physically and mentally. Nicole found yoga helped her cope with postpartum depression. She experienced personally the close relationship between yogic philosophy and mental health. Nicole now teaches her classes from this place of healing.

Nicole includes speech, touch, song, music, and movement into each class since there are many ways to communicate with the body. She knows that each student will be receptive to at least one of these methods.

“I feel my intention or mission as a yoga teacher is to bring an example of living my life with authenticity, with purpose, questioning, and surrendering.”